Kode Program Snake Game dengan Modul Python Pygame
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Python Snake Game
Dalam beberapa bahasa pemrograman, terdapat modul untuk bisa membangun sebuah game dari bahasa pemrograman tersebut. Sebagai contoh, di pemrograman java ada Java 2D Games dan di pemrograman Python ada modul Pygame. Berikut langkah-langkah membangun Game Snake di Python.
Game Snake atau Game Ular adalah Game yang dimana Player Game mengendalikan ular untuk memakan target makanan dalam game. Ular akan bertambah panjang jika berhasil memakan target makanan dan ular akan mati atau game over jika ular menabrak batas jendela dalam game.
Tahap pertama :
1. Komputer sudah terinstall Python versi 3.6 atau yang lebih tinggi. Jika belum terinstall, silahkan download di situs resmi Python sesuai sistem operasi yang di gunakan dan versi Python harus 3.6 atau lebih tinggi ==>> Download Python.Disini. 2. Setelah terinstall, Buka text editor yang anda gunakan untuk menulis kode program. Di tutorial ini saya menggunakan text editor Visual Studio Code. 3. Langkah selanjutnya, buatlah file baru dengan nama Snake.py dan simpan di folde komputer anda.
4. Selanjutnya install modul Pygame python :
Untuk yang menggunakan Sistem Operasi Windows bisa dilakukan dengan cara :
- Buka CMD (Command Prompt) , ketikkan pip install pygame. pastikan Python sudah terinstall dan setting enviroment variabel sudah di tambahkan.
Untuk pengguna Linux bisa mengetikkan sudo apt-get install python-pygame di terminal.
5. Masukkan Kode Program di bawah ini ke file Snake.py yang telah kita buat sebelumnya.
import pygame as pg import sys,random def collide(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4): if (x3+x4) > x1 > x3 and (y3+y4) > y1 > y3 or (x3+x4) > x2 >x3 and (y3+y4) > y2 > y3: return True else: return False def collide2(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,size): if (x3+(11*size)) > x1 > x3-1 and (y3+(11*size)) > y1 > y3-1 or (x3+(11*size)) > x2 >x3-1 and (y3+(11*size)) > y2 > y3-1: return True else: return False def collide3(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,size): if (x3+(10*size)) > x1 > x3 and (y3+(10*size)) > y1 > y3 or (x3+(10*size)) > x2 >x3 and (y3+(10*size)) > y2 > y3: return True else: return False class snake(): def __init__(self,speed, size): self.pos = [20,20] self.image = pg.Surface((10*size,10*size)) self.image.fill((0,255,0)) self.speed = speed self.size = size self.images = [] self.old_pos = [[20,20]] self.direction = [0,0] self.score = 0 def right(self): self.direction = [self.speed,0] def left(self): self.direction = [-self.speed,0] def up(self): self.direction = [0,-self.speed] def down(self): self.direction = [0, self.speed] def update(self): if self.old_pos[-1] != self.pos: self.old_pos.append([self.pos[0],self.pos[1]]) self.pos[0] += self.direction[0] self.pos[1] += self.direction[1] a = 1 for x in self.images: x[1] = self.old_pos[int(a*((-11*self.size)/self.speed))] a+=1 def check_collisions(self, x): c=collide(self.pos[0],self.pos[1],self.pos[0]+10,self.pos[1]+10,x[0],x[1],x[0]+10,x[1]+10) return c def check_apple(self,x): c=collide2(self.pos[0],self.pos[1],self.pos[0]+10,self.pos[1]+10,x[0],x[1],x[0]+10,x[1]+10, self.size) return c def check_collisions2(self,x): c=collide3(self.pos[0],self.pos[1],self.pos[0]+10,self.pos[1]+10,x[0],x[1],x[0]+10,x[1]+10, self.size) return c def add_apple(self): self.score +=1 block = pg.Surface((10*self.size,10*self.size)) block.fill((0,255,0)) self.images.append([block,[10,10]]) class apple(): def __init__(self,size): self.pos = [random.randrange(10, 780,10),random.randrange(10,430,10)] self.image = pg.Surface((10*size,10*size)) self.image.fill((255,0,0)) class game(): def __init__(self,speed, size=1): self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((800,450)) pg.display.set_caption('Snake Game') self.snake = snake(speed, size) self.blocks = [] self.score = 0 self.size = size self.left,self.right,self.up,self.down = False,False,False,False self.hover = False self.click0 = False color = (0,0,0) for x in range(0,800,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [x,0]]) for x in range(0,800,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [x,440]]) for x in range(0,450,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [0,x]]) for x in range(0,450,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [790,x]]) self.apple = apple(size) def over(self): while 1: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: sys.exit() for x in self.blocks: self.screen.blit(x[0],x[1]) txts = pg.font.SysFont('Courier New',50).render('Game Over Score:',True,(255,255,255)) txtrect = txts.get_rect() txtrect.topleft =(20,150) self.screen.blit(txts,txtrect) txts = pg.font.SysFont('Courier New',50).render(str(self.snake.score),True,(255,255,255)) txtrect = txts.get_rect() txtrect.topleft =(600,150) self.screen.blit(txts,txtrect) pg.display.update() self.make_button((153,300,100,50),'Restart', [(255,255,255),(150,150,150)], action = lambda:restart()) if self.hover ==True: click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if click[0] == 1: self.click0 = True if self.click0 == True: if click[0] == 0: self.buttonclick() self.click0 = False def make_button(self, pos, text, color, action=None, textsize=20): mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() oldpos = pos rect = pg.Rect(pos) pos = rect.topleft rect.topleft = 0,0 rectangle = pg.Surface(rect.size,pg.SRCALPHA) circle = pg.Surface([min(rect.size)*3]*2,pg.SRCALPHA) pg.draw.ellipse(circle,(0,0,0),circle.get_rect(),0) circle = pg.transform.smoothscale(circle,[int(min(rect.size)*0.5)]*2) radius = rectangle.blit(circle,(0,0)) radius.bottomright = rect.bottomright rectangle.blit(circle,radius) radius.topright = rect.topright rectangle.blit(circle,radius) radius.bottomleft = rect.bottomleft rectangle.blit(circle,radius) rectangle.fill((0,0,0),rect.inflate(-radius.w,0)) rectangle.fill((0,0,0),rect.inflate(0,-radius.h)) pos = oldpos if (pos[0]+pos[2]) > mouse[0] > pos[0] and (pos[1]+pos[3]) > mouse[1] > pos[1]: self.hover = True self.buttonclick = action color = pg.Color(*color[1]) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 else: color = pg.Color(*color[0]) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 self.hover = False rectangle.fill(color,special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MAX) rectangle.fill((255,255,255, alpha),special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MIN) self.screen.blit(rectangle,pos) txts = pg.font.SysFont('Courier New',textsize).render(text,True,(0,0,0)) txtrect = txts.get_rect() txtrect.center =(pos[0]+pos[2]/2), (pos[1]+pos[3]/2) self.screen.blit(txts,txtrect) def reset(self): self.left,self.right,self.up,self.down = False,False,False,False def loop(self): self.game_over = False while self.game_over != True: self.screen.fill((35,38,117)) self.snake.update() for x in self.blocks: if self.snake.check_collisions(x[1]) == True: self.over() self.screen.blit(x[0],x[1]) a=0 for x in self.snake.images: if a !=0: if self.snake.check_apple(x[1]) == True: self.over() self.screen.blit(x[0],x[1]) a+=1 if self.snake.check_apple(self.apple.pos) == True: self.snake.add_apple() del self.apple self.apple = apple(self.size) self.screen.blit(self.apple.image,self.apple.pos) self.screen.blit(self.snake.image,self.snake.pos) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT: if self.left == False: self.reset() self.snake.right() self.right = True if event.key == pg.K_LEFT: if self.right == False: self.reset() self.snake.left() self.left = True if event.key == pg.K_UP: if self.down == False: self.reset() self.snake.up() self.up = True if event.key == pg.K_DOWN: if self.up == False: self.reset() self.snake.down() self.down = True pg.display.update() class startmenu(): def __init__(self): self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((800,450)) self.b1 = '(150, 300,100,50),"Mulai", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.start' self.b2 = '(550, 300,100,50),"Keluar", [(255,0,0), (150,0,0)], action = self.exit' self.buttons = [self.b1, self.b2] self.blocks = [] self.size = 1 self.click0, self.loads = False, False color = (0,0,0) for x in range(0,800,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [x,0]]) for x in range(0,800,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [x,440]]) for x in range(0,450,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [0,x]]) for x in range(0,450,10): t=pg.Surface((10,10)) t.fill(color) self.blocks.append([t, [790,x]]) def make_text(self, x, y, text, size=20, color = (0,0,0), a = False): txts = pg.font.SysFont('Courier New', size).render(text, True, color) txtrect = txts.get_rect() txtrect.topleft = (x,y) if a == True: txtrect.center = (x,y) self.screen.blit(txts, txtrect) def make_button(self, pos, text, color, action=None, textsize=20): mouse = pg.mouse.get_pos() oldpos = pos rect = pg.Rect(pos) pos = rect.topleft rect.topleft = 0,0 rectangle = pg.Surface(rect.size,pg.SRCALPHA) circle = pg.Surface([min(rect.size)*3]*2,pg.SRCALPHA) pg.draw.ellipse(circle,(0,0,0),circle.get_rect(),0) circle = pg.transform.smoothscale(circle,[int(min(rect.size)*0.5)]*2) radius = rectangle.blit(circle,(0,0)) radius.bottomright = rect.bottomright rectangle.blit(circle,radius) radius.topright = rect.topright rectangle.blit(circle,radius) radius.bottomleft = rect.bottomleft rectangle.blit(circle,radius) rectangle.fill((0,0,0),rect.inflate(-radius.w,0)) rectangle.fill((0,0,0),rect.inflate(0,-radius.h)) pos = oldpos if (pos[0]+pos[2]) > mouse[0] > pos[0] and (pos[1]+pos[3]) > mouse[1] > pos[1]: self.hover = True self.buttonclick = action color = pg.Color(*color[1]) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 else: color = pg.Color(*color[0]) alpha = color.a color.a = 0 self.hover = False rectangle.fill(color,special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MAX) rectangle.fill((255,255,255, alpha),special_flags=pg.BLEND_RGBA_MIN) self.screen.blit(rectangle,pos) self.make_text((pos[0]+pos[2]/2), (pos[1]+pos[3]/2), text, a = True, size=textsize) def mainloop(self): while 1: self.screen.fill((35,38,117)) self.make_text(400, 150, 'GAME SNAKE', color = (255,255,255), size = 80, a = True) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: sys.exit() for x in self.blocks: self.screen.blit(x[0],x[1]) for x in self.buttons: exec('self.make_button(' + x + ')') if self.hover ==True: click = pg.mouse.get_pressed() if click[0] == 1: self.click0 = True if self.click0 == True: if click[0] == 0: self.buttonclick() self.click0 = False pg.display.update() def start(self): self.b1 = '(150, 300,100,50),"Normal", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.start3' self.b2 = '(550, 300,100,50),"Besar", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.start4' self.buttons = [self.b1,self.b2] def start3(self): self.b1 = '(150, 300,100,50),"Easy", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.e' self.b2 = '(283, 300,100,50),"Normal", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], self.n' self.b3 = '(417, 300,100,50),"Hard", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.h' self.b4 = '(550, 300,100,50),"Expert", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.ex' self.buttons = [self.b1, self.b2,self.b3,self.b4] def start4(self): self.size = 2 self.b1 = '(150, 300,100,50),"Easy", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.e' self.b2 = '(283, 300,100,50),"Normal", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], self.n' self.b3 = '(417, 300,100,50),"Hard", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.h' self.b4 = '(550, 300,100,50),"Expert", [(0,255,0), (0,150,0)], action = self.ex' self.buttons = [self.b1, self.b2,self.b3,self.b4] def e(self): start(0.25, self.size) def n(self): start(0.5, self.size) def h(self): start(1, self.size) def ex(self): start(2, self.size) def exit(self): sys.exit() def start(speed,size): global g,m del m g=game(speed,size) g.loop() def restart(): global g del g menu() def menu(): global m pg.init() m = startmenu() m.mainloop() menu()
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